Monday, August 6, 2012

Knowledge Is Power ...

Let me start this post with a quick update. A few posts back I was telling you all about the way that the mosquitoes like to attack easy and sleeping prey. Well in view of the title of this post, I have stumbled on to a rather simple solution quite by accident. You see I personally do not use air conditioning at home, I can't justify the expense. So when it gets to hot to sleep comfortably, I have a fan pointed at the head of the bed. As a result I found a three fold effect was taking place. Number one, I was staying cool enough to get some sleep. Number two, once I got used to the noise of the fan working, it acted like a white noise generator allowing me to sleep better. Number three, here was the surprise. Now on windy days or nights, bugs with wings tend to be grounded. The same held true for my bed with a fan working over it, allowing for a more restful sleep. So I found a non-poison salutation to my "Hour Of The Mosquito" after all. Darn it! Here I had been hoping for a chemical cure, with the help of some kind of drinkable alcohol. Oh well, I'll just have to find another reason to have a few drinks ... LOL.

Speaking of a reason to drink, has anyone noticed that gas prices are on the rise again? Let me discuss with you a few simple tricks, that should help to stretch your fuel consumption coinages. First off, if you drive a gas or diesel guzzler ... at least park it. Better still trade it for a more economical vehicle.

OK, now for the fun of relearning "How-To-Drive-101". Take your foot off of the floorboards!  Meaning for you to drive more sensibly and slowly, at least at or just under the speed limit. The experts all claim that, that one trick can increase your gas mileage by up to 23%.

Now if you know of any short cuts to your destination, take them on condition of staying out of heavy traffic. Also turn off your vehicle's air conditioner, if you don't believe me test it out for yourself. Drive like you normally do for a week. But keep a log book of miles traveled, volume of fuel used, cost of fuel, etc. Then drive economically for one week, remember to keep your log book updated. After your two week driving test compare your notes, you may be surprised. Also try to know of the cheapest gas prices in your area, and watch areas with multiple gas stations in close proximity to each other ... one may start trying to under cut the competition in effect starting a gas-price-war, which is a boon to the consumer. One more note on shortcuts, use everything at your disposal like MapQuest or Google Maps.

Now by staying out of heavy traffic, you lessen the chances of being caught in a traffic jam, or being in a multiple vehicle pile up. Stop and go traffic burns fuel really fast, also your nerves fray even faster. Road Rage is a major problem in congested traffic. Try to stay informed of road construction and traffic delays or slow downs as they can lead to already mentioned problems. personally I never drive on Inter-State Highways or Super Highways, they are death traps. has a good link called "Driving Directions" that can help you stay informed.

Lighten the load. If you a trunk full of "stuff", find a different place to store it ... like that parked Hummer maybe. Those same experts claim that for every 100 pounds of excess weight in a vehicle makes each gallon of gas cost up to 7 cents more. Also if you are on the heavy side, loosing a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt with your fuel consumption ... it might even ease the strain on your own body's organs.

By keeping your tires properly inflated you could increase your gas mileage by 3%. That is worth about 10 cents per gallon, plus it is safer and better for you and your tires. After all a blow out at a high rate of speed, could put you and yours on the evening news, and not in a nice way.

OK I'll admit it here since I am a guy, and like most all guy's say "When all else fails, read the instructions and or manual". I too fall into that one a lot. However reading the owner's manual for your vehicle, will tell you that if you use the proper fluids, oil, coolants and such. That you could have a 2% reduction in fuel usage. Also by replacing air filters and keeping your vehicle's engine properly tuned, you could be looking at a possible gas mileage increase of up to 10%.

OK this advice may hurt a little, but it is for your own good. If you are an aggressive driver, stop your vehicle and find a good hardwood tree. Then bash your bare head on it, until you knock some sense into yourself. Sailing along serenely. Speeding. Accelerating and Breaking quickly. Also squealing your tires on the pavement, all waist your money and hurts your vehicle. As well as waisting up to 30% of your fuel. Not to mention the harm and cost-to-repair the road afterwards.

Now by combining your destinations ... like errands, or shopping, also going to work, stopping at the bank, or taking the kids to the park. By combining what you need or want to do, you can actually be saving time, fuel and money. Also if you do not find a convenient place to park, parking a little ways away from your destination will save gas. If you don't drive around to find the "perfect" parking spot. By taking the nearest spot and walking to your destination, may even aid in helping your heart.

Which leads me into the next best way to save even more of your hard earned coins on fuel. Walking or riding a bicycle or trike or a quadracycle. Don't take my word for it. For the ultimate fuel savings more Americans are parking their cars and trucks and walking or biking. According to ( the National Center for Bicycling and Walking), and (the League of American Bicyclists). For still more ideas to save gas, and stretch your fuel buying coinages try these sites ...
There you go my friends, some hints, tips, tricks and sites to learn more from. So much for a short posting, but all-in-all good information to have.

Remember the highwaymen of old? The robbers of travelers?
Well guess what, they have changed their stripes.
Now we willing fork over our hard earned coinages,
To the gas stations ...

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